Publish date: 12 September 2024

ZSA and Mersey Care have successfully relaunched the ZSA Suicide Awareness Training

Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA), a Mersey Care hosted initiative, launched its updated ZSA Suicide Awareness Training on World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) with over 5,000 people taking the training in the first two days. Feedback has been extremely positive with 93% rating the training as excellent or good. Well done to the ZSA team and the colleagues from across Mersey Care and Mersey Cares Charity who have supported this to happen!

ZSA webinar - let’s talk about suicide success  

The ZSA and Safe from Suicide also hosted a webinar on Monday around the WSPD topic – changing the narrative around suicide. Over 550 people registered for the event. Feedback has been positive with 98% rating the webinar as excellent or good sharing feedback such as: “I found the webinar very well presented and the information shared was detailed but not too overwhelming.” Thank you to everyone who got involved to support the ZSA with its first webinar!