Publish date: 6 September 2024

Great news, we have extended the Wellbeing on Wheels bus at Hartley Hospital until the 11 September (10am and 2pm).

This initiative is in the form of a mobile wellbeing space which offers staff the opportunity to decompress and do something positive for their wellbeing. The bus is the innovation of Project Wingman, a charity dedicated to supporting the mental health of NHS care workers and supported by volunteer aircrew.

On the bottom deck, staff are able to access information about services available to them, enjoy a selection of drinks and snacks and chat to the Wellbeing Team, whilst up on the top deck they could take five minutes to relax on the comfortable seating, and at the back make use of a number of massage chairs which are free to use.

Please can you share with your staff and encourage them to take some time out and pop in.