Publish date: 27 January 2023
The below services have changed their contact numbers.
- From Monday 30 January, St Helens Think Wellbeing’s telephone number will be changing to 01744 615 650
- Adults' mental health assessment team have changed their contac number to 01744 415 625
- Adults' mental health home treatment team have changed their contac number to 01744 415 625
- Adults' mental health recovery team have changed their contac number to 01744 415 620
- Later life and memory services team have changed their contac number to 01744 415 615
- Male and female mental health inpatient services (Taylor and Iris wards) have changed their contac number to Taylor 01744 415 610 / Iris 01744 415 611
- Early Intervention Psychosis Service have changed their contac number to 01744 415 612
- Looked after children's team have changed their number to 01744 415 607
- Neurodevelopment Pathway team have changed their contact number to 01744 415 608
- The Speech and Language Therapy team have changed their number to 01744 415 609.