Publish date: 12 December 2022
Please be aware of journalists on social media; this includes in private groups and commenting on websites or in chat environments. Anything published on social media can be shared as a statement from you as an employee.
Journalists may try to contact you, if your profile says you are a member of Mersey Care staff, please do not engage with anyone from the press about Trust business. The Trust’s Communications Team, will deal with a media request on your behalf.
If you are unsure or suspect anyone’s motives ask for more information and seek advice from the communications team and your line manager.
Before interview requests are granted, the trust must get permission in advance from NHS England at regional and national level as the NHS is currently at a Level Three incident.
There is a guide for staff with hints, tips and guidance on best practice for social media Read the social media guide here.
If you are contacted by a journalist or need general advice, please email: communications
Please refer all journalists to the communications team via switchboard or call 0151 471 2336 during normal working hours.
Outside the hours of 9am to 5pm, dial '0' for switchboard or 0151 473 0303, who will put you in contact with the member of the communications team on call 24/7.