Publish date: 30 May 2022

The SoRD is the document that gives you the authority to sign-off expenditure via the Trust’s General Ledger System (Oracle) and “Edge 4 Health” (the Procurement System).

During the recent acquisitions, expansion of the organisation and the implementation of the new SBS ledger system, the existing SoRD has become increasingly difficult to maintain and has been open to local interpretation.

A full review of the authorisation limits has been undertaken and the Board of Directors have agreed to move away from “job titles” influencing the level of approval that is given and move to “Banding” based on Agenda for Change payscales.

Below is a table showing existing limits that are allocated to staff, and the new limits that will become operational with effect from Tuesday 31 May 2022.


scheme of reservation and delegation.PNG



The system will be automatically updated to reflect these changes immediately prior to the “go-live” date (31 May 2022).

These changes will simplify the hierarchy in the financial ledger and enable clear interpretation of approval limits for all colleagues. The changes to the limits will also reduce bottlenecks in the workflows to support quicker payment of goods and supplies.

If you have any operational queries relating to this then please contact: Sally Proffit – – 07876643730.