Publish date: 9 September 2024

Colleagues who use the HoNOS 18-64 / HoNOS PBR, CORE-10 and PCL-5 and CORE-10 routine outcome measures can now access patient level graphing in Rio within the clinical summary (client record page). 

To add this to your clinical summary view:

  • Click on the green button at the left side of the client record screen (above demographics)

A close-up of a blue and orange rectangular objectDescription automatically generated

  • Scroll down towards the bottom of the list, tick the box for the measure(s) and then click Save.

A screenshot of a computer programDescription automatically generated

  • If you don’t see the tabs at the top of your client record page, then click the arrow above the Case Record Menu and you should then be able to access it.


A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

If you would like further information about this, please contact