Publish date: 2 May 2023

On 1st April 2023 the Datix Incident Reporting System retired and is replaced by RADAR.

This introduces a change in record keeping practice relating to Safeguarding Children & Adult concerns. Where Datix had universally been used to record and report of all matters relating to Safeguarding, RADAR is not built to accommodate this.

In terms of Safeguarding, RADAR is used when an incident has occurred that generates safeguarding issues because of or an omission in Trust care & services. Where staff are identifying and acting on safeguarding concerns within the community (not related to Trust care/services) these do not require reporting as a Trust related safeguarding incident in RADAR.

The safeguarding journey should be effectively recorded and within the Electronic Patient Records System, clear and visible to staff and with the mechanism for reporting and management oversight.

The introduction of RADAR has created the opportunity to strengthen the existing EMIS templates and provide that alternative mechanism for effective recording of safeguarding information on the retirement on Datix and Introduction of RADAR in April 2023.

Systems Handbooks on record keeping and record keeping EMIS are available to support staff in navigating the safeguarding spaces within the clinical records systems.  For further advice & support please contact safeguarding / 0151 351 8484