Publish date: 18 August 2023

Both City Walk-in Centre (WIC) and CMAGIC are based at the BEAT, however the lease agreement expires on 31 October 2023. As the building is not fit for repurposing as an Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC), the decision was made to end the lease agreement and make alternative arrangements for our services. As such, there will be a ‘lift and shift’ of City WIC to the Linda McCartney Centre, at the Royal site from week commencing 16 October 2023.

Following patient and service user engagement, the CMAGIC service operate a hybrid model of virtual and face to face consultations from the BEAT and will move to a new base in Dale Street on the 12 September 2023. They will also provide a clinic one day a week from the Central Liverpool Primary Care Network, London Road site.

Walk-in Centre

Ahead of an anticipated busy winter, the relocated WIC will be in close proximity to the Royal, providing easier access to a full range of diagnostic facilities, so people can get help faster for non-life-threatening injuries or ailments. In addition, for those patients whose health deteriorates rapidly, they can be immediately transferred to the A&E department.

As part of our contingencies, we have also allowed for one week up until Sunday, 23 October 2023, where the service will be ‘dual-running’ at the BEAT and in the Linda McCartney Centre. This is a fail-safe mechanism to ensure communication of the new service location has been effective and patients are not continuing to seek access to a service in The BEAT.

For further information on the WIC move, please contact Michelle Fanning, Deputy Divisional Director of Urgent Care and Acute Discharge,

For further information on the CMAGIC move, please contact Ryan Donaghy, Business Support and Development Manager,