Publish date: 3 May 2022

It has come to the attention of the Health and Safety team that some staff are parking in undesignated parking areas on Trust premises. All staff are reminded that you must only park in the designated areas even if this is not the closest parking area to your working environment. All sites have sufficient parking available.

All staff should be made aware that parking in undesignated areas such as on double yellow lines could cause significant difficulties for the emergency services responding to an incident. Should any emergency service be delayed in their response to an incident due to your car being park inappropriately or illegally it is highly likely that you would be subject to a criminal prosecution. 

At Mersey Care our car parking is free which is a privilege in comparison with other NHS Trusts. Our agriculture team work immensely all year round to ensure our sites remain well presented at all times and due to this inappropriate parking some of the green areas have been damaged which is unacceptable. Please respect our sites for our staff, patients and visitors.