Publish date: 11 July 2022

The PACE 365 system was launched on 3rd of May and so far nearly 1000 colleagues have completed their appraisal and of those an amazing 95% said they liked it, it’s really reassuring. We have been able to listen to your views and improve the PACE 365 system.

Most appraisals were completed last year during September to November, so you may be starting to think about planning yours with your reviewer.  You might want to plan some time in to ensure your preparation is really thorough, so you can get the best from the conversation. 

Don’t forget to look at the updated behaviours framework in the People Promise Charter  when you are completing the values section. Please remember it is a contractual obligation to have an annual appraisal conversation with your line manager and is a key performance indicator for the Trust to meet the required CQC standards ensuring all our employees feel supported to develop and meet ongoing training needs in support of career development and succession planning.

Managers planning PACE with your teams, you may wish to prioritise colleagues who didn’t complete it last year, or your new starters when they have been in post usually after 3 months, then get those dates booked in for the rest of team.

Our Mid Mersey Division colleagues who are using PACE for the first time are encouraged to attend training if not accessed already.  It will be good to get your feedback as to how we can improve the system. PACE Reviewer and Reviewee virtual training is available to book via the Learning and Development on line Prospectus section 3.   PACE system guides and other useful documents are located on the PACE home page in the yellow guidance section.   If you have any system issues or questions about the process, please contact