Publish date: 20 February 2023
If you register for Self Service Unlock, you will be able to unblock your own card 24/7 and will not have to see a local Sponsor or visit our site.
How do I register for Self Service Unlock?
Log in to the Care Identity Service (CIS) website via: (do not use Google Chrome) and then select ‘Launch Care Identity Service’.
Within the Care Identity Service Dashboard select ‘My Profile’ from the ‘Quick Links’ options on the right side. Once your profile opens, scroll down and click on ‘registration’ under the ‘Self Service’ header and complete the registration process.
You must have an email address from a provider that is approved for use with the Spine e.g.,, or
It is highly advisable to add the link provided to your Favourites or a Shortcut, so that you are able to access the unlock service at any time after registration:
NHS Informatics Merseyside’s RA service will be contacting all Smartcard holders advising on how to securely register for this service.
For help or further information, please contact: RA