Publish date: 19 April 2023

On the 4 April, the UK Government announced a delay to the implementation of the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) beyond the life of this Parliament. As a result of this, we are currently reviewing our current processes and timeline trajectory and will provide a more detailed update in due course concerning the position of the Trust. In the meantime, we will continue with our current strategic targets and processes for a completion date of October 2023.

LPS was introduced in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act of 2019 and is intended to replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) as the legal framework that enables the authorisation of arrangements amounting to a deprivation of liberty if these are required to enable the provision of care or treatment to individuals who lack the mental capacity to consent to such arrangements.

LPS will be inclusive of children and young person’s aged 16+ across multiple settings, including in the community. LPS will therefore have a huge impact on the Trust as we will be a responsible body for authorisations of deprivations of liberty across our Trust.

If you have any questions regarding this communication, please contact, LPS Project Lead or, LPS Project Coordinator.