Publish date: 20 October 2022

Sue Fogg, one of the trust's Freedom to Speak Up Guardians, has recently taken part in the 'Stuck in a lift with' campaign, published by The National Guardian's Office for Freedom to Speak Up month.

Sue has been a FTSU Guardian since 2018, after previously working as a Mental Health Nurse, Lecturer in Conflict Resolution, and Quality Review Manager.

Here's what Sue had to say:

Why did you become a FTSU Guardian?

I have always been passionate that all staff should have a voice to raise any concerns, therefore, this post allows me to help staff to do this.

What does Freedom to Speak Up mean?

The ability for staff to raise issues that concern them in a psychologically safe way, with the support needed and without fear of detriment.

Who would you like to be stuck in a lift with?

Miriam Margoyles and Stephen Fry.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Early bird.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Walk my dog, go to the gym, read loads of books, catch up with family and friends, eat out and drink nice wine.

What's your regular lunch choice?

A tuna mayonnaise toasty with salad and boiled eggs.

How do you take your coffee?


What's your hidden talent?

Russian dancing.

What music do you like listening to?

Anything from the 80's.

What's your top tip for life?

Don’t wait for retirement to do all the things you dream of, if they are achievable, plan them and do them now.

What's your favourite quote?

Life is supposed to be fun. It’s not a job or occupation. We’re here only once and we should have a bit of a laugh - Billy Connolly