Publish date: 12 August 2021

MatNeo Patient Safety Network: increasing the proportion of smoke-free pregnancies

7 September, 10:00, online

Our next Maternity and Neonatal Patient Safety Network will explore some of the key issues relating to increasing the proportion of smoke-free pregnancies in the North West Coast. We will share experiences and learning and aim to understand the impact of COVID-19 on local improvement plans and how we can build on the work trusts are delivering.


North West Coast Care Homes Safety Network

9 September, 14:00, online

The first meeting of our North West Coast Care Homes Safety Network will provide a platform for learning and sharing ideas for improving the range of services in care homes. This event is aimed at care home managers and staff, leaders, CCGs, local authorities and experts from across the sector to look at improvements and examples of good practice and interventions that will support and develop care homes.


ManDet Patient Safety Network: identification of all-cause deterioration in non-acute settings

14 September, 12:00, online

This network will provide an opportunity to share the work being carried out regionally in line with the Managing Deterioration Safety Improvement Programme (ManDetSIP). The programme aims to reduce deterioration-associated harm by improving the prevention, identification, escalation and response to physical deterioration, through better system co-ordination and as part of safe and reliable pathways of care.


North West Coast Collaborative: COPD and asthma discharge care bundles online meeting

23 Sep 2021 10:00, online

This event is aimed at those who work with teams in the North West Coast and are actively involved in COPD/asthma care. This event will provide a platform to establish a supportive network for trusts, designed to: prioritise and implement discharge care bundles, provide opportunities to share best practice between trusts, raise challenges and suggest solutions, discuss patient-centred approaches and share resources, and raise awareness of health equity and improve outcomes among vulnerable patients.



We’re recruiting… we’re looking for an experienced clinician to help reduce restrictive practice on mental health inpatient wards. The post is for two half-days per month with our patient safety team. If you’re interested click on the download here: