Publish date: 21 December 2022

Over the past few weeks, several teams across the Trust have come together to organise collections for the vulnerable in our local communities.

Donations have been made to The Whitechapel Centre, Cash for Kids, and many more.

Thank you for your generosity and kindness shown towards those struggling during the festive period.     

Donations below:


​​​​Donations from the Knowsley Child Health Services teams based at Manor Farm. The team would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been so generous and donated, including PT/OT, Imms, admin, SLT, CLA team, and Children's Community nursing. 




image.pngA huge thank you to the Community Dietitians team who have collected donations for the Whitechapel Centre Christmas appeal. The charity is asking for help this Christmas season with the options to volunteer, donate, or support them financially, and the Dietitians have donated a helpful amount of food. Well done all!







South Sefton food.jpgSouth Sefton School Health Team have made Christmas food parcels for their vulnerable families, consisting of cupboard staples. These will be donated to families over the coming week. The team were also supported by Bootle Salvation Army’s generous donation of gifts for children and young people of families who are struggling this Christmas. The Salvation Army have always been an amazing support to the South Sefton School Health Team, helping to put smiles on the faces of children in need.



MH Liason.pngThe Mental Health Liason Team, along with Aintree A&E have collected toys to donate to children in need. Thank you for your donations.





Halton.jpgThroughout the month of December the Halton CRHT staff brought gifts in to make up a raffle. Tickets were sold to colleagues, family and friends and we raised £570. With £200, the staff purchased £10 Iceland food gift vouchers to give to our service users and with the rest of the money staff bought presents, toiletries, pyjamas and toys which were all wrapped and delivered to the local Refuge in Widnes. Thank you to everyone who purchase raffle tickets.




Phlebotomy.jpgLocal food bank donations have been generously made by the Liverpool Phlebotomy team to help those in need in the local community.






Picton DN's.JPGPicton District Nurses, used their Secret Santa money to donate to a local organisation that purchase and make up hampers, which are given to vulnerable families within our city schools. Thank you for your kindness.







Health Visitors.JPGWell done to the CT4 Health Visitors, who also used their Secret Santa money to donate to a local foodbank. 






CRHTS.jpgAll CRHTS collected for the food bank and toys for the local women refuges. The team donated to three food banks (Liverpool, Warrington and St Helens).