Publish date: 3 July 2023

In 2021 we undertook a Health Needs Assessment with colleagues, to give you an opportunity to tell our Workforce Wellbeing Team how you feel at work and make suggestions on how the Trust could improve your wellbeing. As a result, we have listened to your views and invested in our Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services by introducing new roles and initiatives to better meet your wellbeing needs. Please familiarise yourselves with our Wellbeing Hub to see what you can access.

We appreciate that the last few years have been extremely difficult for everyone. Not only are we recovering from the COVID pandemic, but many people are feeling the effects of the cost of living crisis. With this in mind, we want to revisit our Health Needs Assessment survey to fully understand if we are meeting your current needs.

At the request of our various staff networks, the Health Needs Assessment 2023 will ask a range of questions that focus on mental, physical, social, financial, and environmental health. Please be as honest as possible when completing, so we can obtain a true profile of our workforce.

The information and data gathered will help shape the support we put in place for you. Please encourage all your colleagues to complete the assessment, so we can respond to your needs.

Click here to complete the Health Needs Assessment 2023.

If you don’t feel there is opportunity to capture all your thoughts within the assessment, please contact and one of the team will be more than happy to speak with you.