Publish date: 7 December 2022

Dear Colleague,

I wanted to updated you all on developments that have and are occurring within the Trust’s Freedom to Speak Up team with the aim of it being able to continue to offer as much support and guidance to colleagues as possible.  

I’m delighted to confirm that Justine Nakimuli will start a new role as Cultural Sensitivity Lead and Freedom to Speak Up Guardian at the beginning of January  2023. This is an innovative and exciting role that will have as its focus the enabling of staff who identify as BAME, to feel comfortable and safe to raise their concerns. It will also play a key part in helping teams take into account cultural differences and therefore enhance their ability to listen to the issues raised and make improvements       

The role will be one that facilitates learning and works through and with colleagues to raise awareness and make the desired improvements. Justine will be working closely with the BAME network, OE team and EDI team to develop further the role and embed it into the work of the Trust. Justine will also be active as a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, she will also, as all the Trust’s Guardians are, be linked to a clinical division and work with all colleagues who contact her for support and guidance to raise a concern.

Following the restructuring of clinical divisions, Bernie Rochford’s continued secondment and Loretta Murray Moon leaving her role as a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, we have reallocated link roles to divisions. I can confirm that:

  • Sue Fogg and Justine Nakimuli will be the FTSU Guardians linked with Mental Health Care Division
  • Julie Critchley and Munawar Osman will be links for Community Care Division
  • Steve Morgan will be link for Secure Care Division and corporate services.

It is possible for you to contact any of the FTSU Guardians in the first instance, whether they are linked to your area or not and they will discuss with you how you wish to take the issues of concern forward, which will include the potential of handing over to the linked Guardian when they are available. Guardians will also cover each other during holidays etc. to ensure there is access to support and guidance at all appropriate times .

I would like to thank Loretta Murray Moon for working with us for the last six months, she’s worked very hard to provide support to staff who raised concerns with her and received many positive evaluations and notes of thanks. We all wish her well for the future.

Please do not hesitate to contact the team, we are always very willing to discuss any concerns you have, with the aim of helping you decide what actions you wish to take to resolve your concerns and enhance safety and wellbeing. We are also very happy to visit your area to share the work we do.

Steve Morgan

Lead Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

To raise a concern you can contact our guardians via or 0151 296 7575.