Publish date: 6 February 2023
Today is zero tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Day. FGM is a violation of women’s and girl’s human rights and is illegal in the UK. On average it’s estimated that every 10 seconds a young girl is mutilated by FGM.
FGM is an unnecessary procedure performed on a woman or a girl to alter or injure her genitalia for non medical reasons. Girls who undergo female genital mutilation face short term complications such as severe pain, shock, excessive bleeding, infections, and difficulty in passing urine. As well as long term consequences for their sexual, reproductive health and mental health.
It is estimated that 200 million women and girls worldwide have undergone FGM and are living with the consequences. Although primarily concentrated in 30 countries in Africa and the Middle East, female genital mutilation is a global problem. 137,000 girls and women resident in the UK have undergone FGM.
The United Nations are committed to ending this practice by 2030. To promote the elimination of female genital mutilation, coordinated and systematic efforts are needed. These include engaging both males and females within communities, a focus on human rights, gender equality, sexual education and the attention to the needs of women and girls who suffer from its consequences.
If you are worried that an adult or a child may have suffered FGM, or at risk of FGM, please contact the Safeguarding Duty Hub on 0151 351 8484 for further advice and how to report your concerns.