Publish date: 22 October 2021

As many of you will be aware, we recently conducted a survey on hybrid working for the staff whose base is one of the three current Trust headquarter buildings: V7, Babbage House and Hollins Park House (this included staff relocated from Burlington House during the pandemic). In this survey, we asked about your experience of home working during the Covid-19 pandemic and for your views on future long-term working arrangements.

Key feedback from the survey is below:

  • A total of 907 staff responded, which is approximately 70% of staff based at those sites. The high response rate suggests that you were keen to make your views known
  • 82% of respondents had worked from home at least one day per week since March 2020, with 48% working from home full time during the pandemic. A significant majority, 76%, said they had had a ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ experience of working from home
  • Overwhelmingly, staff told us that they would like to continue working from home at least part of the time long-term, with the majority in favour of a mix between home and office working (hybrid working). 91% preferred to spend at least two days working from home per week, with a majority favouring one to two days working from the office each week
  • Analysis of the data shows that while the majority of staff from all teams and divisions favour hybrid working, some teams preferred to spend less time working from home than others, most likely reflecting the type of work they undertake. However, there was no statistically significant variation in responses between other staff groups or demographics.

Feedback from the survey (including trends from staff comments) will be factored into the development of a policy and guidelines for long-term hybrid working. This will be done in collaboration with team managers and Staff Side colleagues. We will look at a number of issues, including IT infrastructure, collaborative working spaces, how often staff should come into the buildings, and what activities should be undertaken when on site.

We will keep you informed on the progress of the hybrid working project. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your team manager or email