Publish date: 8 August 2024

June's Employee of the Month winner is Sarah Nuttall, St Helens Taylor Unit, nominated by Louise Edwards for the value of support

eom.pngSarah has been with us since only January on the ward. Sarah has hit the ground running and has really established fantastic relationships with our gents. Sarah has gone above and beyond to spend time getting to know our gents as individuals and has really strived for patient centred care. She has done exemplary work with one gent in particular whom staff struggled to maintain a relationship with due to his trust issues. Sarah established a connection with him regarding sports and interests. She has helped this gent so much and even brought in special sports items from home for our gents to have a sports day which she organised. Her support and attention to detail has helped the whole team to also establish some common ground with this gent. Since Sarah has arrived, she has organised a wonderful world mental health awareness event where she organised an event for staff and patients across the site, a carers evening and so much more for staff and patients within the whole hospital.

Sarah is not only well liked by gents on the ward, staff are often asked where she is if she is ever off for the day which shows the impact she has. She is friendly and very hardworking and uses her skills to really support the team and the gents. One relative of a patient recently commented saying Sarah is 'so calming and she's helped me so much as a carer, I would hire her in my surgery'. Sarah has a wonderful reputation on the ward as a calming influence during times of acuity and has really settled in well with the team. The team are very fortunate to have a Sarah on the ward and she deserves some recognition.

June's Team of the Month winner is Bootle Green District Nursing Team nominated by Elaine McCormick for the value of continuous improvement

tom.pngOver the last two years this team has grown from strength to strength. From being very despondent, high sickness levels and contacting FTSU. They are now the highest performing district nursing team. They started a nursing walking group for staff health and wellbeing. They won an award at the Star Awards last year for promoting staff health and wellbeing from the walking group to “Hug in a mug” this is performed at every monthly team meeting where staff nominate a staff of the month award and have to nominate and give reasons why they nominate each other. Under the amazing leadership of their team leader for past two years they have just successfully has two GOOD PLUS QRV reviews in succession. They have reduced harm and risk for their patients. They are always highly motivated, dedication and committed to continue to provide the highest quality perfect for to their patients. They have amazing working ethics incorporating the Trust values daily. They truly deserve to be!

They have reduced harm through their continuous hard work and dedication. They are the highest performing district nursing team. They are open, honest and welcoming. The feedback from patients and their carers is outstanding.  They are one team they work together they support each other. They openly have a no blame culture and staff are very comfortable speaking up. They truly deserve to be recognised for what they have achieved over the past two years.