Publish date: 5 April 2023
February's Employee of the Month winner is Kelley Hayde, Safeguarding Children Specialist Nurse. Kelley was nominated by Clare Handley for the value of Accountability.
Kelley has been supporting a Knowsley CAMHS practitioner in managing a very complex case of a 17 year boy on a child protection plan. He is currently posing a risk to himself, his mother, who is his main carer, members of the public in general, professionals and several other identified individuals. There have been several incidents where the child has been arrested for domestic abuse and threats to kill, and the home treatment team have also been involved. Kelley has been key in identifying and bringing all of the agencies involved in this case together to support the HRAMM process. Kelley has been able to obtain senior social care attendance at short notice professional meetings and has driven escalation of concerns re safety and appropriate child protection planning to senior officers.
Kelley has made herself available for ad hoc support and advice for practitioners who have been professionally challenged by the complexity and risk of this case.
Kelley has shown great tenacity and commitment in obtaining support from housing for this family. Family and CSC reported several failed attempts to request housing association support, Kelley refused to accept this level of unacceptable care for a vulnerable family and found housing association representative who was willing to support. This resulted in the house being determined to be safe to use in its entirety, creating a better environment, allowing them some personal space, and improved use of facilities. This hadn’t been achieved prior to Kelley’s involvement in engaging the housing association. Kelley was key in escalating concerns that the CPP was drifting, resulting in CSC attempting to obtain a police protection order, legal planning being put in place and 24 hour oversight of carers being put in place. Escalation to Alder Hey safeguarding has resulted in representation from the ADHD team joining the next HRAMM, as mismanagement of medication is adding to the risks.
February's Team of the Month winner is the Coniston Ward. The team was nominated by Ashley Freeman for the value of Continuous Improvement.
Staff on Coniston ward continue to give a 110 percent every day despite the challenges they can face on a daily basis. The staff on Coniston strive to improve the care and service for both patients and staff. Staff have been following models of care such as PBS which has had a positive impact on the ward and there has been a noted reduction in incidents and increase in compliments. The patients on the ward have stated they feel more involved in their care, patient activities and community meetings have increased, patients reported they feel they are listened to and involved in the day-to-day activities on the ward.
There has been a note improvement in staff morale, due to staff consistency and less incidents. Patients have reported feeling more involved in their care, they advised the ward appears be a calmer and more therapeutic environment to help aid recovery. Compliments also received from families on how challenging behaviour is managed on the ward and fellow professionals.