Publish date: 10 November 2022

Our CQC inspection continued yesterday with feedback from the visits to Ashworth Hospital and Longmoor House summarised as ‘overwhelmingly positive.’

Ashworth Hospital visit

Whilst there was a recognition and an openness that we are experiencing challenges with staffing pressures (particularly in our high secure services), our staff shared with inspectors that they feel well supported, able to raise concerns, and also have access to various career development opportunities. Staff shared examples and evidence of good practice around patient transitions, embedding Reducing Restrictive Practice on our wards, which was validated when inspectors spoke to our patients. 

Inspectors were also impressed with the virtual reality and innovation programmes of work and our support for patients with autism with inspectors suggesting: “We are leading in this field.”

Longmoor House visit

Longmoor House was described as a clean, well maintained, supportive and welcoming environment. Feedback highlighted there is a positive staff culture with visible leadership and good access to specialities. Staffing levels have improved and teams are working well together, our staff feel listened to and able to escalate issues and have access to training, development and career opportunities. There was evidence of quality improvement work and patient outcomes. Inspectors were impressed with the use of digital technology (SEM scanners and alarms) as part of our work to reduce the incidences of pressure ulcers and falls.

A small number of patients and carers were interviewed and reported that they felt very well looked after by kind and caring staff.

Thank you

We anticipate the inspection of Ashworth will continue until Friday morning, whilst the inspection of Longmoor House is likely to have finished. Our extranet contains lots of practical information to help with preparation for a CQC inspection:

Thank you to all of the staff involved in the face to face inspection process, and also to everyone who is working extremely hard to respond to our extensive data requests, you should all be rightly proud of the work that you do each and every day.