Publish date: 23 January 2023

The Met Office Level 3 Cold Weather Alert for the period between 9am on Monday 23 January 2023 and 9am on Friday 27 January 2023.

There is a 90% probability of severe cold weather/icy conditions between 9am on Monday 23 January and 9am on Friday 27 January in parts of England. This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services. 

Please refer to Mersey Care’s Cold Weather Plan for guidance and appropriate preventive action if required.

Advice: Look out for friends and family who may be vulnerable to the cold, and ensure they have access to warm food and drinks and are managing to heat their homes adequately. Try to maintain indoor temperatures to at least 18°C, particularly if you are not mobile, have a long-term illness or are 65 or over. Avoid exposing yourself to cold or icy outdoor conditions if you are at a higher risk of cold-related illness or falls and stay up to date with the latest weather forecasts on the Met Office website

If you want more information about how cold weather can affect your health please visit If you are concerned about your health or somebody you care for, advice can be obtained from, NHS 111 or your local pharmacist.

More information can be found at the Cold Weather Plan for England page.


A range of free resources from the Weather Ready campaign can be downloaded.