Publish date: 27 March 2023

This Friday, our incoming Deputy Chief Executive will unveil a plaque to mark the Trust’s accessibility commitments. Amanda Oates will be at the Indigo building with leaders from AccessAble, a leading provider of information about site accessibility. Across the UK, more than 70,000 buildings and services now have a detailed guide so people know what to expect when they go there – and since last year, our estates and accessibility leads have been working with the organisation as they survey all our patient facing community and mental healthcare sites. The reports have been available on our site since February and this week, we’ll celebrate that partnership. You can find out more about our accessibility guide on YourSpace.

If your area of work relates to this, please join us at the launch. The event on 31 March will include demonstrating a new accessibility app, as well as Trust leads, healthcare partners and guests discussing what we’ve delivered regarding accessibility and public expectations.

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