Publish date: 25 February 2025
Julie Dixon started her NHS career in 1985 at 18, working in Winwick Hospital kitchens as a cook. She spent the next 12 years in that role before joining the nurse bank at Oakdene Unit as an health care assistant.
In 2005 Julie made the decision to join the CMHT in Warrington as a support, time and recovery worker before undertaking her nurse training from 2010.
On completion of training in 2013, Julie joined the St Helens Recovery team where a developing interest in IPC meant Julie took up atwo day a week secondment with the IPC team. In 2018 Julie joined the IPC team as a full time IPC nurse and has been an invaluable addition to the team.
Colleagues describe Julie as a kind, approachable, knowledgeable colleague and manager. Thank you Julie!