Publish date: 15 November 2021
Duty of Candour (DOC) is the legal requirement for all NHS providers to be open and honest with patients and their families if something does not go as planned which could have caused harm. DOC must be applied to any incident where moderate or greater harm has been caused. We must:
- Provide an apology
- Explain what happens next
- Let patients and their families know how feedback will be shared with them
Over the next few weeks Duty of Candour Champions will be trained in each division to support Being Open and Duty of Candour processes across the Trust. The Champions will promote good practice and provide advice and support to colleagues, acting as an advocate for patients, families and carers.
The Trust Duty of Candour Policy is currently under review and an updated version will be published in December 2021.
More information and resources can be found on YourSpace, including DOC Posters, full CQC Guidance for DOC, and QPAs for recording DOC on Datix.