QPA's cascaded in 2025

QPA 2024 TEMPLATE (Updated 11th November 2024)

QPA 2025-06 The use of What3Words for determining the location of service users in clinical settings

QPA 2025-05 Care of balloon gastrostomy enteral feeding tubes

QPA 2025-04 Rapid Tranquilisation Policy and Procedures (updated)

*Amended* QPA 2025-03 Environmental Risk - Ligature point from Window Frames v2

QPA 2025-03 Environmental Risk - Ligature point from Window Frames

QPA 2025-02 Rapid Tranquillisation Policy and Procedures

QPA 2025-01 Guidance on the completion of MFRAT and Falls Person-Centred Care Plans for Inpatients on RiO




QPA's cascaded in 2024

QPA 2024 TEMPLATE (Updated 11th November 2024)

QPA 2024-62 Appropriate prescribing of oral nutritional supplements in the community setting

QPA 2024-61 High Dose Antipsychotic Therapy (HDAT) Risk Assessment Form

QPA 2024-60 Prohibited Item: Lighters in Inpatient Areas

QPA 2024-59 Importance of supportive and physical observations

QPA 2024-58 Update to Sepsis Guidance and NEWS2 escalation

QPA 2024-57 Folic acid supplementation - Continued advice for those who are planning a pregnancy or are newly pregnant

*Recirculated* QPA 2023-55 Prohibited item - Plastic Bags V2 (Decmeber 2024 Recirculation)

QPA 2024-56 Ensuite Collapsible Door Yewdale Safedoor 1

QPA 2024-55 Clinical Records Standards

QPA 2024-54 Getting medicines formulary shared care documentation right GP Collective Action Impact

QPA 2024-53 Ensuring fire rating of bedding items in the ward environment

QPA 2024-52 Summary Case Record: Obtaining relevant Patient Status and Past Medical History on Admission

QPA 2024-51 Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) for Paracetamol Effervescent Tablets produced by Kent Pharma UK

QPA 2024-50 Safe management of Sharps bins within healthcare workers vehicles

QPA 2024-49 Safe storage and disposal of Pharmaceutical waste (excluding Controlled drugs)

QPA 2024-48 EMPA - Prescribing and administering when required (PRN) medication

QPA 2024-47 Accumulated Anticholinergic Burden

QPA 2024-46 Environmental Ligature Points (Windows and Door Frames)

QPA 2024-45 Contamination of mustard with peanuts for patients with a peanut allergy

QPA 2024-44 In the event of a Patient Death within the Secure Care Division

QPA 2024-43 Introduction of Medical Examiners and changes to the death certification process

QPA 2024-42 Device Flipper Zero which can replicate remotes bank cards car keys and access control mechanisms

QPA 2024-41 The use of Biozoon Air with Flavour device

QPA 2024-40 Risk of falls from hospital windows and maintenance of window restrictor

QPA 2024-39 Appropriate management of Social Media Auditors when presenting at a Mersey Care site

QPA 2024-38 Planned admissions for Service Users with mobility and/or additional physical health needs

QPA 2024-37 Controlled Drug Handover Risk Assessment (CCD Only)

QPA 2024-36 Dealing with Temperature Excursions

QPA 2024-35 Transcribing of Medication - Inpatient GP Discharge Summary

QPA 2024-34 COVID RIDDOR Reporting

QPA 2024-33 Data Quality Standards for recording clinical incidents on the Patient’s Clinical Health Record (RIO, PACIS & EMIS) and Trust Incident Reporting System (RADAR)

QPA 2024-32 Recording Rio alerts for service users who experience seizures to support with personalised care planning

*Amended* QPA 2024-31 Updates to the Safe Management of Controlled Drugs on Inpatient Wards v2 (Updated July 2024)

QPA 2024-31 Updates to the Safe Management of Controlled Drugs on Inpatient Wards

QPA 2024-30 Designated location of Nursing Care Plans on service user’s electronic record (PACIS / RIO)

QPA 2024-29 Annual Health Checks for people with learning disability (Age 14+)

QPA 2024-28 Staff Guidance on Quetiapine shortage

QPA 2024-27 Staff Guidance on Use of Personal Mobile Phones in Inpatient Settings and Urgent Care

QPA 2024-26 Cleaning Display Screens for Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitors

QPA 2024-25 Battery Management and Recharging Batteries for Welch Allyn Connex Vital Signs Monitors

QPA 2024-24 Update for the Battery Management of Bodyguard T Ambulatory Syringe Drivers

QPA 2024-23 Update for Standardisation of the Date on all Bodyguard T Ambulatory Syringe Drivers

QPA 2024-22 Safe use of Valproate medicines - Pathways and Intranet page

*Amended* QPA 2024-21 Identification of service users prescribed Clozapine on MAST using Rio Clozapine Alert v2

QPA 2024-21 Identification of service users prescribed Clozapine on MAST using Rio Clozapine Alert

QPA 2024-20 Single Patient Use Medication Injectable Pen Devices (Update to previous QPA 2019-36)

QPA 2024-19 Utilisation of Lone Working Device

QPA 2024-18 What to do if service users are unable to engage in decisions about care & treatment of physical conditions or unwilling to engage

QPA 2024-17 Monitoring of patients prescribed lithium

QPA 2024-16 Prescribing Trust owned Nebulisers from Community Equipment Stores

QPA 2024-15 Choking Incidents: (i) Response to mild and severe obstruction (ii) Incident coding when submitting incident reports

QPA 2024-14 Insulin Cartridges and Pen Devices

QPA 2024-13 Correct Use Of Different Sodium Chloride 0.9% Solution Formulations V1.3

QPA 2024-12 New method of smuggling illicit substances onto a ward environment

QPA 2024-11 Safer Use Of High Dose Antipsychotic Treatment

QPA 2024-10 Signing in and out of buildings

QPA 2024-09 Safe Management and Storage of Controlled Drugs in Care Homes

QPA 2024-08 Reporting the death of a person with a learning disability or autism

QPA 2024-07 Safe Use of Valproate Update

*Amended* QPA 2024-06 Nursing Reviews of Secluded Patients (Updated July 2024)

QPA 2024-06 Nursing Reviews of Secluded Patients

QPA 2024-05 Oxygen Management within Walk in Centres/ Urgent Care Treatment centres and Children’s Special Schools Community Care Division

QPA 2024-04 Safe Medicines Administration v.2

QPA 2024-03 Electric shocks from unreported broken/damaged electrical appliances

QPA 2024-02 Escalation of Serious Controlled Drug Incidents

QPA 2024-01 Autism and Suicide



QPA's cascaded in 2023

QPA 2023-66 Update on unified Do Not Attempt Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (uDNACPR)

QPA 2023-65 Potential for inappropriate dosing of insulin when switching insulin degludec (Tresiba®) products

*Amended* QPA 2023-64 v2 Use of Emergency Medication Cabinets to access medication in an emergency when the pharmacy department is closed

QPA 2023-64 Use of Emergency Medication Cabinets to access medication in an emergency when the pharmacy department is closed

QPA 2023- 62 Escalation process for service disruption & other incidents of concern

*Amended* QPA 2023- 61 Correct Assembly and Disposal of Clinical Waste

QPA 2023-61 Correct Assembly and Disposal of Clinical Waste

QPA 2023-60 Prescribing as a Non-Medical Prescriber

QPA 2023-59 Care of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) tube

QPA 2023-58 Good Practice Prescribing ot Antimicrobials

*Amended* QPA 2023-57 Concealed Blades in a Key Ring and a Vape

QPA 2023-57 Concealed Blades in a Key Ring and a Vape 

QPA 2023-56 Removal of kitchen appliance within non designated areas

*Amended* QPA 2023-55 Prohibited item – Plastic Bags

QPA 2023-55 Prohibited item – Plastic Bags

QPA 2023-54 Cardiac Chest Pain

QPA 2023-53 -Revised - GlucoRx HCT External Quality Assurance

QPA 2023-52 Safety risk with patient access to wooden cutlery

QPA 2023-51 Recording of all contacts/discussions that take place with service users’ carer/family.

QPA 2023-50 Contraindications of use of inadine and all forms of cadexomer iodine and povidone-iodine

QPA 2023-49 Patient identification – medicines administration

QPA 2023-48 v0.2 Duty of Candour updated Policy

QPA 2023-47 Ingestion of fruit stones and potential for Cyanide toxicity v.2

QPA 2023-46 Disposal of out-of-date COVID-19 tests and PPE

QPA 2023-45 Responsibility to Identify Carers and Refer for Carer’s Assessment

*Amended* QPA 2023-44 Subcutaneous prescribing and administration of medication for pain relief in the last days of life v2

QPA 2023-44 Subcutaneous prescribing and administration of medication for pain relief in the last days of life

*Amended* QPA 2023-43 Security of Controlled Drugs Keys v.2

QPA 2023-43 Security of Controlled Drugs Keys

QPA 2023-42 Prescribing on paper records for wards that have ePMA

QPA 2023-41 Use of Mattress Bags

QPA 2023-40 Potent synthetic opioids implicated in heroin overdoses and deaths.

QPA 2023-39 New Trust Wide MMP24 Safe Use of Clozapine Procedure

QPA 2023-38 Dealing with Temperature Excursions

QPA 2023-37 Incident reporting: Identification of the appropriate level of harm

QPA 2023-36 Quetiapine Modified Release (MR) – Good practice prescribing principles

QPA 2023-35 Discharge Planning from Inpatient Mental Health Wards

QPA 2023-34 High Risk Ligature Incidents in In-patients: Recording and Review of Risk Alerts within the Rio Clinical Record.

QPA 2023-33 to Charging of Electric Vehicles

QPA 2023-32 Aripiprazole and impulsive behaviours

QPA 2023-31 GlucoRx HCT External Quality Assurance

QPA 2023-30 Melatonin – Good practice prescribing principles

QPA 2023-29 QPA to Supporting people who may present with behaviours of concern

QPA 2023-28 v3 to promote Risk Assessment regarding the use of Sharps within the Community of Inoculation Injuries (formerly ‘Needle stick and Sharps’).

QPA 2023-27 Internal Transfer of Care; Inpatient Medication Records & Clinical Notes

QPA 2023-26 Security Alert - Knives disguised as pens

QPA 2023-25 Equipment update - Introduction of an Adult Bag Valve Mask (BVM) with a pre connected Heat Moisture Exchange (HME) filter

QPA 2023-24 Good Practice Prescribing of Antimicrobials

*Amended* QPA 2023-23 Urgent Class 1 Recall of Emerade Auto-injector v.2

QPA 2023-23 Urgent Class 1 Recall of Emerade Auto-injector

QPA 2023-22 Administration of antipsychotic long acting injections and depot injections in the acute hospital setting

QPA 2023-21 Libre Flash blood Glucose monitoring

QPA 2023-20 Key testing for key operated fire alarm call point and emergency override door switches

QPA 2023-19 Removal of the build up of lint in tumble dryers to prevent fire

QPA 2023-18 Wearing of a lap strap in a wheelchair

QPA 2023-17 Raising awareness of sodium nitrite as a potential means of suicide

QPA 2023-16 Patient identification

QPA 2023-15 Clonazepam added to restricted drug list

QPA 2023-14 Reporting of Needle Stick and other blood borne/body fluid injuries to Occupational Health via the new Trust reporting system - Empactis

QPA 2023-13 Switch to a New Formulation of Paliperidone Palmitate Long-Acting Injection

QPA 2023-12 Identifying and Reporting of infrequently Used water outlets

QPA 2023-11 Choking Risks Trust Wide

QPA 2023-10 Importance of obtaining relevant contact details and informing, involving ‘significant other’ in patient care.

QPA 2023-09 Identification and management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

QPA 2023-08 Nursing Reviews of Secluded Patients – Code of Practice (CoP)

QPA 2023-07 Reporting injuries to patients under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)

QPA 2023-06 Inadvertent Oral Administration of Potassium Permanganate

QPA 2023-05 Accurate completion of food and fluid charts during in patient admission

QPA 2023-04 Safeguarding Response to Patient on Patient assaults v.2

QPA 2023-03 Ligature risk alert - Ceiling Vents

QPA 2023-02 Correct process to check and re-inflate the balloon on a balloon retained gastrostomy tube

QPA 2023-01 Safe prescribing of medication

Quality Practice Alerts Template revised January 2023


QPA's cascaded in 2022

Quality Practice Alerts - All Items (merseycare.nhs.uk)

until QPAs are fully uploaded please see link below (all QPAs are currenlty on share point)

QPA Template Revised on 08.08.22

QPA 2022-66: Staff who sustain a head injury V2

QPA 2022-65: Safe and Therapeutic Leave (v2)

QPA 2022-51: Novo Rapid Insulin 100 units in 1ml and Saxenda Liraglutide 6mg in 1ml pre filled pen

QPA 2022-44: Reminder of staff responsibilities relating to Controlled Drug Activities

QPA 2022-43: Carrying out and Recording Supportive Observations in Secure and SpLD Division



QPA's cascaded in 2019

QPA 2019-30 Administration of Medication