Publish date: 7 October 2021

All Mersey Care staff with clinical contact, including social contact with patients or service users, are eligible for the vaccines, as well as those staff who are over 50 – as long as you had your second COVID-19 vaccine more than 26 weeks (182 days) ago. Please make sure you are within this time limit when booking your appointment or you will be turned away from the vaccination centre as we will be unable to process you for vaccination. Both COVID-19 booster and flu vaccines will be administered at the same time.

Staff only

Please don’t share this link outside of Mersey Care as we are only able to vaccinate staff who will need to present their ID badge on arrival at the centre. Please arrive at the vaccination centre at the time of your appointment, we’re extremely busy at the moment and this will help to keep us to schedule

The Trust has been allocated Pfizer for boosters

The Trust has been allocated Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19 boosters. If you cannot have a mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) due to contraindications, vaccination with AstraZeneca may be considered for those who have previously received the AstraZeneca vaccine in the primary course. You will need to contact your GP or book via the National Booking Service to access this service.

Flu only vaccines to follow

In the next couple of weeks we’re planning to administer flu only vaccines for those staff who have already had a COVID-19 booster or who are outside the timescale for eligibility for the booster (not yet at 26 weeks).

Cheshire and Merseyside Health Care Partnership offer

For those members of staff struggling to get to the vaccination centre at Maghull Health Park, please find a link to Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership which allows health care workers only to book their COVID-19 booster vaccination at various sites across Cheshire and Merseyside. Those staff who take up this offer will have to make separate arrangements for flu vaccines. Please share this with colleagues so those who are eligible can make their booking.

Vaccination centre

The vaccination centre is at Maghull Health Park, Parkbourn, Maghull, L31 1HW. (Site entrance is via Villas Road or for those familiar with the what3words navigation system, use: unloading.spoiled.retained). It’s open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm and 9.00am til 8.00pm on Wednesdays.

If you have booked an appointment and need to cancel, please email the vaccination centre to let them know so we only use the vaccines that are required. Similarly, if you have any questions, please direct them to this email address.