Publish date: 27 July 2022

Knowsley is the Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture 2022 and we are now just over half way through our year. There have been so many things happening in the Borough, with so many more things to look forward to. You can keep up to date with the latest news and events at or follow @cultureknowsley on social media.

There are still lots of exciting opportunities to get involved as a Borough of Culture Volunteer, giving you access to one-of-a-kind events, building your networks, making friends and growing your experience. You can find out more and sign up at

To help shape future cultural events in Knowsley, Knowsley Council are emphasising the importance of receiving feedback on the Borough of Culture events programme so they also better understand how residents engage with culture.  

If you have attended a Liverpool City Region Borough of Culture event, please complete the Event Visitor Survey – you can complete a survey for every event you have attended if you wish.

If you are a Knowsley Resident, we’re also interested in your wider experiences of culture, both in and out of the borough. You only need to complete this short Residents Survey once.