Publish date: 7 June 2021

Anyone who meets the criteria to join the NHS Pension Scheme but has previously opted out will be reassessed to join under the automatic enrolment legislation as part of the transfer to Mersey Care.

If you are eligible you will be enrolled into the NHS Pension Scheme and deductions will be made from your salary. If you do not wish to be a member of the NHS Pension scheme you can opt out and have the pension contributions refunded through your pay the following month by completing the opt out form. Completed forms must be returned to:

Please read the guidance on the NHS Pensions website before you make your decision to opt out.

If you have pension deductions taken from June’s pay and this causes financial hardship, we are able to process an advance of up to 60 per cent of the amount deducted. To do this, please email Any additional outstanding money will be paid in July’s salary providing the opt out form as been completed.

This is unfortunately outside of our control and is a requirement imposed by the pensions regulator.