Publish date: 21 June 2022

Dear NHS colleagues,

Email address to notify Knowsley Council of anti social behaviour issues

Here in Knowsley we are committed to addressing Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) and the associated issues. We know that creating safer communities improves wellbeing and leads to better health outcomes. We work with our partners including Merseyside Police to identify incidents of ASB and coordinate an appropriate response; but we need you!

As health professionals you are of fundamental importance within our communities, you have daily contact with the public and will often hear about or even witness concerning behaviour. If during the course of your duties you have any concerns about an area/ property/ individual or group please could you share it with us at

Please note that this email is not an appropriate space to refer any safeguarding concerns which must continue to be referred and addressed in the normal way.

Let’s all work together to help Knowsley to be a great place to live and work.

Thank you!

Alison Lee, Director of Health and Care, Knowsley

Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board