Publish date: 13 July 2022

Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) – Latest Developments and What you can Do to Prepare for LPS

Latest Developments on Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)

The public consultation on Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) will close on the 14th of July – you can find out more about the consultation at this link. Over the last few months, we have met with a number of colleagues, service users and carers to present some of the key changes introduced by the Draft Code and include their views in the consultation response.

We expect a final implementation date for LPS to be announced during the winter, as over the next few months the Department of Health and Social Care will be busy reviewing the consultation feedback and finalising the new revised Code of Practice for the Mental Capacity Act and LPS.

In the meantime, what can you do to prepare? Think MCA

A robust application of Mental Capacity Act (MCA) will be critical to the successful implementation of LPS across our organisation. More specifically, clinical recording of mental capacity has been identified as a key area for improvement in preparation for LPS. All qualified staff should feel confident in completing and recording capacity assessments in adherence with the MCA, as it is likely that under LPS an increased number of colleagues will be involved in the assessment process. 

The single most important thing that you and your team can do to prepare for LPS is to Think MCA. To find out about the training and support available you can visit the Mental Capacity Act intranet page at this link. We have also developed a number of Think MCA resources that present key MCA concepts in a bitesize format. Why not take a few minutes to revisit the 5 Principles of the Mental Capacity Act?

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