Event date: 9 September 2027, 4.00pm to 4.30pm

Event location: Zoom

Event categories:

  • Trust wide

Mindfulness is an innate human capacity. Children often meet their present moment experience with interest and curiosity.

As adults we can train ourselves to bring friendly interest and curiosity to the present moment - increasing our mindful awareness of our body, mind, senses and the world around us. 

The mindfulness staff drop-in sessions are held via zoom and can be accessed on the staff wellbeing hub on YourSpace.

There are two sessions:

  • Wednesdays at 12.30pm to 1pm (Open to staff who have experience of mindfulness or want to reconnect with practice)
  • Thursdays at 4pm to 4.30pm (Open to any member of staff new to mindfulness or with experience)


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 997 5182 9670
Passcode: Welcome1!