Community Services

Our staff deliver community health services to people in their own homes, in locations including health centres and clinics, NHS Walk-in Centres and an older adults intermediate care ward at Aintree University Hospital site.

We are the largest provider of 0 to 19 services across Liverpool and Sefton, working in partnership to improve the health and wellbeing of 160,000 local children and their families.

We also deliver specialist dental health care, therapies, medicines management and nutrition and dietetics service. Our teams work closely with GPs and other health and social care services to ensure patients are cared for with the best support, closer to their home.

Our community nurses enable people to be cared for in their own community and remain as independent as possible, rather than having to go to hospital. Many of these services are delivered out of hours, 24 hours, seven days a week.

Every year our staff deliver care to thousands of patients and at the same they will be talking to their families, carers and their communities. These hundreds of thousands of interactions mean that our staff are best placed to understand patients’ holistic health and social needs, including education, prevention and self care.



Our stories

  • Category: Community Care

    CMAGIC transforms into Transcend

    27 March 2025

    Mersey Care’s gender dysphoria service, formerly known as CMAGIC, has been re-named as ‘Transcend’ following extensive engagement and consultation with service users, patients and stakeholders.

  • Category: Community Care

    New SALT referral form

    21 March 2025

    A new form has been added to community EMIS org codes and can be used to refer into any of the SALT teams across the Community Care Division.

  • Category: Community Care

    Partnership with Edge Hill University Award nomination

    18 March 2025

    A research partnership called Arts for the Blues worked with young people and their families’ lived experiences and is a joint study of the use of creative therapies for those with symptoms of depression who use our children’s mental health service in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington.

  • Category: Community Care

    Celebrating Bernie Malone’s remarkable career and retirement

    14 March 2025

    After an extraordinary career spanning over four decades, the Telehealth team bids a fond farewell to Bernie Malone, Telehealth Nurse Advisor, as she embarks on a well deserved retirement.

  • Category: Community Care

    Saying goodbye to the last resident at Leonard Cheshire Home

    25 February 2025

    The resident was well known to our Garston nurses who have looked after him for seven years, they visited him three times a day, seven days a week. They saw him on his last day to say goodbye and take him gifts bought by the team.