Publish date: 7 June 2024

In June and July, we will be undertaking 'Your Voice Your Change', a programme of engagement events that are designed to help us understand what is working well and what needs to be better. The methodology is tried and tested in Mersey Care; over the years it's been used to inform our strategic plans, our work on Restorative Just Culture, and our work to redesign the organisation to work better for staff and patients.

As part of this we will hold a series of ’Mega Conversations’ which are listening events aimed at each division, (one face to face and one virtual) with tailored questions to discuss specific themes. This will be led by an Executive member and divisional director and is an important opportunity for the senior leadership, including our Non-Executive Directors, to listen to the feedback first hand to help us fully understand our staff experience and identify the actions that can help to make Mersey Care an even better place to work.   

This event is for everyone within the Trust so please fill in the form below to get signed up to one of our sessions. 

Given the wide range and complexity of our services, it’s more important than ever that we take time to stop and listen. The programme will include both divisional listening events (Mega Conversations) and specific focus groups, both running throughout July.

Mega Conversations

These are open to all staff and we’ll be running two for each division, each hosted by a member of the Executive Team and the Divisional Leadership Team. The sessions will look at what’s working well and what are the things that need to improve.

Division Date Location Book your place

Secure Care

Monday, 1 July

1pm to 3pm

Rowan View Conference Room

To book your place on any of these sessions please use this link


Booking Form - Your Voice Your Change Mega Conversations (

Friday, 19 July

1pm to 3pm

Online - Teams

Mental Health Care

Friday, 19 July

1pm to 3pm

Online - Teams

Community Care

Monday, 1 July

1pm to 3pm

Partnership 4 Learning, Speke

Friday, 19 July

1pm to 3pm

Online - Teams

Trust Wide Support Services (TWSS)

Monday, 1 July

1pm to 3pm

Online - Teams

Friday, 19 July

1pm to 3pm

Online - Teams

Focus Groups

These facilitated conversations will be hosted by the Organisational Effectiveness Team and are aimed at specific groups of staff. You do not need to book a place but make sure you save the correct link into your diary.

Focus group

Date and time

Teams link

Bank Staff; aimed at staff who work predominantly on the Bank

Tuesday, 2 July 2024

11.30am to 1pm

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

Meeting ID: 394 776 283 099  

Passcode: LTfUm5  


Disability; Staff who have an identified disability

Friday, 5 July

1pm to 2.30pm

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

Meeting ID: 356 602 706 833  

Passcode: heRyBS  

Carers; aimed at staff who have caring responsibilities

Wednesday, 10 July

10am to 11.30am

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

Meeting ID: 391 402 185 950  

Passcode: Kj95gh  


Multi Ethnic Colleagues

Monday, 15 July 2024

1pm to 2.30pm

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

Meeting ID: 350 666 157 70  

Passcode: R9BRnZ  


LGBTQ+ Colleagues

Monday, 15 July 2024

1pm to 2.30pm

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

Meeting ID: 337 282 638 250  

Passcode: CRcZ47  


Walk-in Centres

Tuesday, 16 July

10am to 11.30am

Microsoft Teams Need help?

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 360 002 026 173

Passcode: d3CoCN

Organisational Change; aimed at staff who have experienced Organisational Change recently

Monday, 22 July 2024

3pm to 4.30pm

Microsoft Teams Need help?  

Join the meeting now  

Meeting ID: 340 034 319 371  

Passcode: gwJfcx