Publish date: 30 November 2022
September’s winners
Nominated by Rebecca Simm
Clinical Health Psychology and Community Pain Service volunteers
We would like to nominate our Clinical Health Psychology and Community Pain Service volunteers for their dedication and longevity in their roles and the difference they make to others who live with long term conditions.
Our team of active volunteers: Kev Howard, Samantha Harthen, Luke Kolassa, Brian Hayes, Mark Fletcher, Ellys Hart
"On a regular basis, they deliver peer support in various guises, including running weekly Pain Clinic Plus, tutoring patients on our Living Well programme, Mindful Living Plus, and supporting our Pain Management Programme, as well as behind the scenes, influencing our services’ decision making and ensuring we try to keep delivering the best possible person centred care. Despite the impact of their own significant physical health conditions, our volunteers show incredible commitment and are passionate about making things better for those who live with long term conditions. We are hugely grateful to them for the significant roles they play, they are a vital part of our services."
(Picture of Kev Howard and Luke Kolassa)
October’s winner
Nominated by the Learning Team, Walton Life Rooms
Amy Reynolds
We are very grateful for Amy’s support during our enrolment days and when delivering sessions- we genuine recognise her professional, warm and smiley input and she definitely makes a difference to the service.