Publish date: 1 July 2024

We are currently in the process of consolidating all our off site storage providers and transferring all our records to Iron Mountain.  Please see an update below of the progress so far in relation to location of boxes.

John Mason  

  • Ehese historical records (ex-LCH) have now been transferred to Iron Mountain  
  • These have been listed as ‘ex John Mason’ records so they can easily be located in the future
  • Iron Mountain have listed the records in each box and will have an inventory available to us on IM connect

John White (Secure Storage)  

  • Week commencing 10 June, Iron Mountain’s on-boarding team will be in the process of arranging for all the 8,102 boxes to transfer from John White(Secure Storage) to Iron Mountain.
  • This will be a gradual process and will take place over a number of weeks. This is still yet to be agreed
  • Iron Mountain are unable to provide a full list of records for each box due to cost and the amount of boxes
  • All boxes will be barcoded and also listed as ‘ex Secure Storage aka John White’ so we can easily identify them in the future
  • Some boxes are damaged and are needing to be re-boxed and could possibly be in a holding area in Iron Mountain. If there are any issues with retrieving boxes stored in John white (Secure Storage) can you let us know and we will liaise with Iron Mountain to see where they are located
  • We have asked Secure Storage for a full inventory for all the boxes so Iron Mountain can match up the boxes with their bar codes. 


  • There are currently no changes to OASIS boxes at present.  These can still be retrieved in the normal way
  • Discussions are still underway with regarding the transfer of these boxes to Iron Mountain.

If you require any further assistance or have any queries, contact: