Publish date: 13 May 2024

The booking system for meeting rooms at V7, Indigo and Hollins Park require staff to make sure they have checked in to their meeting room within 15 minutes of the start of the booking. If this is not completed the room will be released for other staff to book.

Make sure you only book the room for the time you require it and that you or a colleague will be there for the meeting start time to check-in and avoid any issues.

If you are not checked in to the room you will be asked to move if someone else has since made a booking.

If your work device does not have a QR scanner you can follow this guide to rectify this, or go to Mersey Care - Desk Booking | Home from your laptop/pc and check in there.

Please note this system has been put in place following complaints about rooms being booked and not used, to help maximise the use of our resources. If you have any feedback on this process please contact