Publish date: 14 March 2025

To ensure all pay related forms and expenses are submitted on time for processing, as well as all rosters finalised for payroll the below timetable needs to be adhered to.  We need the dates adhering to ensure all colleagues are paid correctly and on time.

These are absolute deadlines although we expect any form submitting at the earliest opportunity and leavers forms completing as soon as a resignation is received – depending on the band of the colleague this could be four, eight or 12 weeks in advance of the leaving date.

For rosters, absences for colleagues on health roster should be extended beyond the pay period, before rosters are locked to ensure the information sent to payroll is accurate. This means absences should be extended with an end date beyond the roster finalisation deadline to ensure the pay file extracted is correct and no end date is transferred to ESR incorrectly.  If a return date is unknown at the point of locking the roster, a future date can be put in as well as open ended being ticked (do not select open ended only as the date the pay extract is taken will be the date that goes to ESR as an end date).

Whilst delays and errors can lead to incorrect payments it also impacts hugely on colleagues health and wellbeing, creating financial worry and anxiety. As an organisation that places great emphasis on mental health and wellbeing, we need to pay colleagues the right amount at the right time and ensure advance requests and overpayments are kept to an absolute minimum.

Payday (25/26)

Manager to complete form for processing

Cut off for forms to be received by ELT/WIT

Deadline for cut off for expenses at 1pm

Roster finalisation for managers for monthly pay

25 April 2025

21 March 2025

28 March 2025

4 April 2025

3 April 2025

23 May 2025

21 April 2025

28 April 2025

6 May 2025

2 May 2025

26 June 2025

26 May 2025

2 June 2025

9 June 2025

4 June 2025

25 July 2025

24 June 2025

1 July 2025

8 July 2025

4 July 2025

26 August 2025

23 July 2025

30 July 2025

6 August 2025

4 August 2025

26 September 2025

22 August 2025

2 September 2025

9 September 2025

4 September 2025

24 October 2025

23 September 2025

30 September 2025

7 October 2025

3 October 2025

26 November 2025

24 October 2025

31 October 2025

7 November 2025

4 November 2025

December 2025 (TBC)


January 2026 (TBC)


26 February 2026

26 January 2026

2 February 2026

9 February 2026

4 February 2026

26 March 2026

23 February 2026

2 March 2026

9 March 2026

4 March 2026