Publish date: 8 July 2024

The Estates Planning Team (EPT) is conducting a Trust wide space utilisation study. As part of this programme of activity, we will initially be conducting utilisation studies on buildings where there is no patient and service users contact.

The survey involves the installation of small OccupEye (t) sensors which monitor the presence of people within a space but will not identify any individuals or conversations.

These sensors can be wall mounted or under desks where offices are shared or open plan and will not affect your daily operations or routine.

They are due to be put in O’Hanlon Centre and Birch Centre (Peasley Cross) on Wednesday, 10 July for one to three months. 

See a list of FAQs below.

A. There is no reason to be concerned. The data will be used as a strategic tool to gather information and we will then work with you to make sure you make the best use of the space. For example, if you find that some spaces are not used well, then you may use this to increase your services/sessions, bring in new services or even license it to others for use to increase your income. Equally, other tenants may need more space and the Estates Planning Team will explore opportunities for everyone’s mutual benefit.

A. The sensors are 11 cm x 7 cm.  Please see an example below.

A. The sensors work by sensing heat and motion. Audio and visual data cannot be recorded and there are no confidentiality issues. There are no GDPR implications or considerations around the use of the OccupEye solution, as it does not hold any personally identifiable information (PIA).

A. The EPT team will notify your management team when the survey is due to take place. You may also notice sensors being installed in the building.

A. To make sure that a picture of usage across the whole of the building is gathered, it’s really important that the sensors remain in place for the whole of the survey period. If for any reason a box becomes detached, please put it back in its original location or contact and we will ensure its place back in the correct position.

A. The survey results will be shared with the Operational Management Group. Please request a copy of the information via your management team.  If you have any questions about the programme, please email: