Publish date: 8 July 2024

The records team have launched a new records awareness training package to make sure we are all working in the same way to protect our patients, colleagues and the Trust.

What will you learn?

  • Who the records team are and how they can help
  • Records policies and procedures
  • Understanding BS10008 (the British Standard)
  • How to scan and upload a document to an Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
  • How to quality check and confidentiality destroy documents
  • What a 'confused record' means
  • Confidentiality 
  • Retention periods
  • Lost, stolen or duplicate records and incidents
  • National inquiries and what this means for us
  • Archiving processes and record retention periods
  • How to process an amendment to record requests
  • When to complete a Radar
  • How to access patient records
  • Intoduction to user group.

How to book onto a session

To book on a session, please visit the Training Courses Booking App.

From here, please select 'Information Governance' for the system and 'Records Management Awareness' for the course name.

Once you have selected a suitable date, you will be sent a Microsoft Teams meeting invitation to enable you to join the online training.

Should you require any further information, please email: