Publish date: 19 October 2023

Do you store any medication?

If so, you are now required to complete a quarterly spot check on Amat. The title of the audit is Quarterly Team Safe and Secure Medicines Audit

The medicines management team will continue to complete an annual audit in Q1 with the teams completing the other 3 quarters starting from the 1 November.

These audits can be used as evidence for CQC and QRVvisits for demonstrate the teams compliance with the requirements for safe and secure handlining of medicines. Details and additional information of the standards expected can be found in the Medicines Policy and associated procedures which can be found on the Medicines Management page on YourSpace.

The audit will apply to allteams across the Trust regardless of the amount of medication that is stored i.e. it includes teams that hold emergency medication only,  external preparations only, inpatient and community teams.

If you have any question regarding the completion of the audit please contact your local medicines management team or email