Publish date: 6 October 2023

The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) team have been busy updating key documentation around MCA and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). You can access these documents on their page on YourSpace.

They have added the DoLS full process flowchart and escalation process for wards so that staff can understand the process they need to follow when a deprivation of liberty is required to administer treatment or care to a patient within our trust.

A Form 1 referral request exemplar has been created to guide staff on the written details they should include when completing the ADASS form 1 - Deprivation of liberty safeguards: resources - GOV.UK (

A final DoLS checklist can be found here to ensure all processes, procedures and relevant documentation has been completed during the process of applying for a DoLS with the relevant local authority.

We have also been working closely with the speech and language therapy team to produce easy read versions of key documents, such as for the DoLS breach letter (to be added soon) and DoLS urgent authorisation rights letter. These versions will support staff when explaining to patients their rights and current circumstances.

We have updated our resources regarding shared decision making and fluctuating capacity, which staff can access to support their understanding of these topics.