Publish date: 9 October 2023
The term 'SAS doctor' includes specialty doctors and specialist grade doctors with at least four years of postgraduate training, two of which are in a relevant specialty.
This week (9-13 October) NHS Employers are highlighting the work of SAS doctors with a range of webinars and interactive resources. They want to give wider NHS colleagues the opportunity to celebrate the specialty and specialist doctor workforce and raise its profile as both a rewarding career and a much valued part of the NHS workforce.
Mersey Care has SAS doctors working in learning disability, community, perinatal mental health and across our services. Several have recorded a special message for the awareness week. The theme of this short film is very much that they love their work with patients, feel well supported and their wellbeing is very highly regarded.
Consultant psychiatrist Dr Nismen Lathif leads the team. He says: “We want to use this week to celebrate: some of our SAS doctors are leading services and are in key management positions and all make a positive difference. We have bespoke packages to help them to achieve their full potential. They’re a very happy bunch who work together very well! I am proud to say that we recognize SAS role as a rewarding career and a much valued part of the NHS workforce.”
Our Medical Director, Dr Noir Thomas, adds: “I‘d like to thank all our specialty and specialist doctors – across services and around Mersey Care – for their work for our patients and service users. I’m delighted that they can celebrate this awareness week and that they have such positive feelings for how the trust supports them to deliver excellent patient care.”
There’s rumours the team also have wellbeing meetings with catchups over cake as part of their team support work. Well done all!