Publish date: 2 December 2024
Data controller of CCTV
When you receive CCTV footage you become the Data Controller for the footage and must always adhere to the UK GDPR. You must ensure you complete the necessary paperwork within Trust CCTV Policy if you play this footage and anyone else sees it. It must be clearly documented what the purpose is for disclosing the footage and this must be shared with the Health and Safety Team Safety
Please ensure you are up to date with your Data Protection Training (E-Learning) and familiar with the following policies:
- CCTV Policy (SA18)
- Corporate Data Protection Act 2018 and UK General Data Protection Regulation Policy (IT14) policy
- Confidentiality and Data Sharing Policy (IT10)
Workplace inspections
Its a statutory duty under Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations to ensure we have an effective, safe and well maintained environment for our staff, service users and anyone else attending our environments.
The requirement to complete workplace inspections is applicable to all managers and their supervisors and will include all buildings, wards, departments, offices, and clinic rooms. Staff undertaking inspections do not necessarily require specialist Health and Safety training but must be familiar with their surroundings and able to identify common hazards and faults such as poor housekeeping; trip hazards; defective lighting; broken equipment; property damage and broken equipment. Should you be responsible for carrying out the Workplace inspection please ensure you are familiar with the Workplace Inspection Policy (HS5) Safety Check and if you require any support please contact the Health and Safety team Safety