Publish date: 10 February 2025
Please note the following message from the Infection Control Team regarding access to Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Hoods out of hours, as described below.
For those staff who are not yet fit test trained in the use of FFP3 masks, the Trust has now purchased Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Hoods, which are being stored at V7 in the ‘mail room’, the room directly behind reception. IPC have developed a SOP and accompanying video that illustrates correct donning/doffing and cleaning of the hood, battery pack and tubing, this can be found on the ICP YourSpace page.
The hoods are available for staff to access during out of hours periods and during Bank Holidays, at all other ‘in hours’ times staff should contact the Clinical Skills Team to arrange fit test training. Staff who are not fit test trained in the use of FFP3 masks should continue to access training via the clinical skills team.
If wards have patient(s) where there is a need to introduce this level of PPE, for example, if they have measles case(s) and have staff who are not fit test trained, they should arrange to collect the hoods from V7. When no longer required, the hoods should be disposed of into clinical waste and battery pack and tubing returned to V7.
For any further questions please contact the IPC team - infection