Publish date: 24 January 2022

All staff, services and teams across the Trust must ensure that all Subject Access Requests (SARs) and other requests for access to or copies of records are promptly notified and passed to the relevant Subject Access Request Lead within the division (whose contact details are available on YourSpace at the following link). This will prevent any delay in identifying and providing the requested information.

There are strict timescales for dealing with Subject Access Requests (within one calendar month) and other requests for information and, to ensure compliance, it is important that all requests are passed promptly without any delay to the correct Subject Access Request Lead. Failure to comply may result in not only criticism from the requestors, but also criticism or sanctions from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), who regulates the Data Protection legislation.

Additionally, for disclosure requests from courts and solicitors, staff must ensure that requests and records are provided promptly without any delay to the Subject Access Request Leads to ensure deadlines on court orders are met. Failure to comply may result in health professionals being called to court as witnesses, the Trust facing criticism from the judge or possibly being held in contempt of court.

If you have any further questions or concerns about these issues, please contact the Information Governance Team at