Publish date: 18 February 2022
The PACE/PDR window period, advocated by the Trust to enable timely completion of appraisals, ended on the 31 January 2022. However, for staff that may not yet have had the opportunity to complete theirs due to recent service pressures, there is still time!
The PACE/PDR processes remain accessible and any completions between now and the end of March will still count towards achievement of the 21/22 annual target of 90%.
Please note, the pay progression policy is being implemented from 1st April 2022. If you are due a pay progression increment in 22/23 you must have evidence that you have completed your appraisal within the previous 12 months prior to progression through to your next pay increment. Exemptions will be applied to those staff that through no fault of their own have been unable to complete within the given timeframe due to recent service pressures, but whenever possible should be completed as this remains a Trust mandated requirement.