Publish date: 11 May 2022

Essential estates works are planned at Hollins Park House from early June 2022 and will last for a minimum of two months. These works will help to facilitate hybrid working and planned staff moves from other parts of the Trust. They are also required as part of backlog maintenance for the site. In order to facilitate these works, it is necessary for the majority of the building to be empty from 5pm on Friday, 3 June 2022. After this date, staff based on site will either work from home or from other Trust sites, primarily V7 building. 

The only parts of the building which will continue to be used during this time are the areas occupied by Occupational Health and the training rooms within the Education Centre. Some limited works will still be required within these areas (predominantly installation of LED lighting). To ensure the health and safety of staff, specific access routes will be established which must be used to access these areas. 

During this time, the library on site will be closed but other Trust libraries can be accessed. 

Access to meeting rooms within Hollins Park Hospital will be unaffected and can be booked in the normal way.

All managers of staff based in the building have received more detailed information about this to share and make plans with their teams. If you have any questions or concerns please contact