Publish date: 20 September 2022
Mersey Care acknowledges the challenges our staff may be facing due to the cost of living increases. We want you to know that as an Executive Team we are regularly discussing what our organisation can do to further support our staff.
We have raised our concerns locally and nationally. As a public sector organisation we are limited as to what we can implement, and need to seek local system agreement from NHS Cheshire and Merseyside (ICS) for any additional support to be put in place.
We recognise the need to support the mental and physical health of our staff, but also the wider, social aspects of health and wellbeing. We want to remind you that Our Financial Wellbeing, Staff Hub section also has a range of interventions, resources and services to support your financial wellbeing.
We recognise that changes to your financial situation may have a negative impact on your mental health and you may need support. Our trained counsellors and therapists are available if you need to talk, please visit our Staff Support Service intranet page or visit our Mental Wellbeing tab for more information.